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Jugamos Afuera

Time: Afterschool 2:15 pm- 5 pm

Location: Bear Creek Elementary & Jewell Elementary

Ages: First- Fifth Grade

A group of 10 latino youth stand in front of a waterfall smiling with arms in the air with 2 Vamonos Outside group leaders

The Jugamos Afuera program serves elementary-aged students who self-identify as Latinx/e/o/a and/or BIPOC. The program takes place out-of-school time after school, on weekends, and in summer and provides recreational outings focused on fun, community-building, and connections to nature.  Our programs harness the profound benefits that result when unstructured time in nature is integrated with youth development strategies. By providing affinity spaces for participants in an inclusive outdoor environment, we help to affirm identity and build self-confidence in youth. The program is currently serving students at Bear Creek Elementary and R.E. Jewell Elementary School.

CURRENTLY ENROLLING students from R.E. Jewell for our Afterschool program!

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