How to fill out Every Kid Sports form
Go to this site:
Page 1: Parent info
- Fill out your information
Page 2: Child Info
- Fill out your child’s information
Page 3: Will need documentation of one of the following:
Medicaid, SNAP, WIC documents with names of children
Page 4: Sport info
- Type of sport: Mountain Biking
- Hours of activity: 3 hrs
- Length of Sport: 4//15 to 3/19
Page 5: Youth Sport Organization
Organization name: Vamonos Outside
- Name: Wesley Heredia
- Email:
- Number: 541-316-8719
Page 6: Registration Cost
- You will be requesting $150 for the program however they will ask you to cover only $10 for the program. Type in amount as it looks below.
- Cost: $150
- Requested: $150